Disk-XRay, Explorer for Magnetic Disks

Summary: Disk-XRay is a low-level explorer for seeing the innards of magnetic disks. Everything you always wanted to know about those media.


Disk-XRay is an utility to browse the real contents of magnetic disks. It displays the raw contents of sectors.
It offers classical navigation functions to display the real contents of data sectors.
Disk-XRay manages physical hard disks, that is below the partitionning scheme.

User Interface

The user interface is the same as classical hexadecimal editors:


Analytical Display

Disk-XRay recognizes following data structures, and displays them accordingly:

Disk Access Method

Under Windows 2000 and XP, we use a service called lsdiorw.exe, which must be installed from an administrator account. See some comments on this service.

Disk Editing

Disk-XRay features an Edition mode, where you can write onto the disk, sector by sector. Needless to say that this feature can be very dangerous, but also very powerful.

See also:


See our downloading page.

Pierre Duhem (ex-Logiciels & Services Duhem)
3, rue Pierre Haret - F-75009 Paris (France) - Tel. (+33) [0]149 700 455
web: http://www.macdisk.com