Claris (Apple) Works

Summary: How to transfer Claris/Apple Works data files between Macintosh and PC. What you should know to master such data exchanges.

Transfers with Claris Works on both platforms

From version 3, Claris Works imports/exports the files of the other platform. The funny thing about it is that, on the PC, Claris Works files are coded in the Macintosh Ascii table, and not in the Ascii (DOS/OEM) table or in the Ansi (Windows) table.

Claris Works or Apple Works?

Claris was always the software subsidiary of Apple Computers Inc. Nowadays, its name is FileMaker Inc. and it only edits the database software, while everything else returned to the parent company. Claris Works is now named Apple Works. This package is still available as version 5.

Cross-Package Transfers

If Claris Works is not the target application, several possibilities exist.
As always, data base files have to be saved as comma (or something else, tab, quotes) separated files (CSV and several other extensions).
Text files can be saved in some format the target program can read (text only, MS-Word for DOS, etc.).
On the other hand, you can convert those files without the original software. We offer MacText, a little converter, which handles only Claris text files. See our downloading page.

Opening vs. Importing

Please note that if you want to use a foreign file format in Claris Works, you shouldn't try to open the file (you get the message "Not a Claris file or corrupted file") but to import it (in the File menu).

Where to Find Claris/Apple Works?

Try the mail order houses and most big software resellers. Since Claris was renamed FileMaker and only manages this database software, Claris/Apple Works is managed by Apple directly.

Pierre Duhem (ex-Logiciels & Services Duhem)
3, rue Pierre Haret - F-75009 Paris (France) - Tel. (+33) [0]149 700 455